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Showing results 26 to 45 of 87 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Examining quality aspects in Indian online food delivery 15 services during COVID-19 pandemic: an NLP-based qualitative approachMa, Lan.; Ray, Arghya.; Sharma, Varda.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.
2022-12Exploring barriers affecting e-health service continuance intention in India: from the innovation resistance theory stanceRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Dwivedi, Yogesh K.
2022Exploring barriers affecting eLearning usage intentions: an NLP-based multi-method approachRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Dwivedi, Yogesh K.
2021-05Exploring the drivers of customers’ brand attitudes of online travel agency services: a text-mining based approachRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Rana, Nripendra P.
2021-03Exploring the impact of different factors on brand equity and intention to take up online courses from e-Learning platformsRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Chakraborty, Shibashish.; Dasgupta, Shilpee A.
2021-06Exploring values affecting e-Learning adoption from the user-generated-content: a consumption-value-theory perspectiveRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Dwivedi, Yogesh K.
2020-04Factors influencing adoption of e-services in rural India – perspectives of consumers and service providersRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Dasgupta, Shilpee A.; Sivasankaran, Narayanasamy.
2017Fattening the long tail items in e-CommerceKumar, Bipul.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.
2015-06A framework for simple, secure and cost effective online voting systemKumar, Rajiv.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Varma, Nitin.; Srivastava, Abhishek.
2017-02Gender classification of microblog text based on authorial styleMukherjee, Shubhadeep.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.
2022-06How can topic-modelling of user-reviews reshape market surveys? exploring factors influencing usage intention of e-learning services through a novel multi-method approachRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Jain, Rashmi.
2017Identifying meaningful neighbors for an improved recommender systemKumar, Rahul.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.
2012Improving inventory performance with clustering based demand forecastsBala, Pradip Kumar.
2020-03Improving recommendation quality by identifying more similar neighbours in a collaborative filtering mechanism.Kumar, Rahul.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Mukherjee, Shubhadeep.
2015-05An improvised latent factor model for more efficient recommender systemsBala, Pradip Kumar.; Kumar, Bipul.; Srivastava, Abhishek.
2021-11Innovation resistance theory perspective on the use of food delivery applicationsKaur, Puneet.; Dhir, Amandeep.; Ray, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.; Khalil, Ashraf.
2021-01Innovative distribution and delivery of foodRay, Arghya.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.
2012An inventory replenishment model under purchase dependency in retail saleBala, Pradip Kumar.
2016-03List wise ranking using cosine based latent factor modelBala, Pradip Kumar.; Kumar, Bipul.
2017-12A long desired self-learning system to aid big data business social media consumptionVarma, Nitin.; Bala, Pradip Kumar.