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Browsing by Subject "TAM"

Browsing by Subject "TAM"

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  • Bailey, Ainsworth Anthony.; Pentina, Iryna.; Mishra, Aditya Shankar.; Mimoun, Mohammed Slim Ben. (The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 2020)
    Although mobile payment (MP) represents a possibility for traditional brick-and-mortar US retailers to enhance the quality of customer service, mobile payment adoption in the US has lagged, with research regarding this ...
  • Sankaran, Raja.; Chakraborty, Shibashish. (International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2023-01-24)
    Purpose : The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between various drivers of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) for m-payments and to demonstrate practical relevance. The study examined the indirect ...