TheMaxGroupisadiversifiedconglomeratewith businessinterestinlifeinsurance,healthcare management, health insurance, seniorliving, specialtypackaging, and realestate (Max Life, Max Healthcare, Max Bupa, Antara, Max Specialityfilms and Max Estates 1respectively).As a SeniorDirector– Quality, Service Excellence,andInnovationwithintheMaxgroup, Hoskotewasresponsibleforthedevelopmentand implementation ofthe Max Performance Excellence Framework (MPEF), a qualityframework adopted from the Malcolm Baldridge Framework ofUSA. It was during 2010, when Analjit Singh (Founder, Max Group) selected Prashant Hoskote to lead the group-wide qualityteam. Singhassignedhimthetasktobringquality and business excellence agenda as one ofthe top three priorities across the group businesses, to lead when it comestocustomer-centricity,sevabhav,and mindfulness.